Meeting together
We are delighted that we have the opportunity to meet together in person on Sundays. See our calendar for more details. We do hope that you will want to consider joining us.
Relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions
Following the recent government announcement of a relaxation in Covid-19 restrictions from Monday 19th July 2021, Kensington Baptist Church has made the following changes effective from Sunday July 25th 2021.
These changes supersede our previous risk assessments and are a compromise of retaining some protections and relaxing others.
We will have handgel sanitizers for general use at our main entrances and exits, the doors and windows will remain open during services and prayer meetings to maintain ventilation and our rows of seats will remain at their current intervals, including balcony alternate rows.
Face coverings will be optional. Pre-booking of seats is no longer necessary and sitting within a social bubble is not now required. Congregational singing will recommence as will fellowship inside the building. Optional use of NHS Test & Trace ‘check into a venue’ QR code notices will remain in the lobbies.
A zoned seating area will be provided up and downstairs for those who prefer to sit in an area that is more similar to the current restricted Covid requirements. YouTube and telephone access will continue to be available.
It is suggested that people planning to attend church could voluntarily undertake a lateral flow test (LFT) at home. The LFT would preferable be the day that you are due to attend church. LFT kits are readily available for free from most pharmacies. No steward will be checking the test, but for those who are asymptomatic (show no symptoms) and test positive it should stop that person attending church. This is a suggestion to the congregation and not a requirement.
The current arrangements will be reviewed regularly and in light of any changes to government guidance, and this web site will be updated accordingly.